The Shape of Things to Come
You gotta read this! A very nice piece of satire over at the Daily Kos by someone calling themselves Billmon (I can’t help but think “Yeah, Mon”! after reading this piece…). It is so good, Freepertrash and Ditto Monkeys (LDotards don’t get out when the sun is up) are already trying to discredit it! Even though it’s been out less than a day.
I was wrong about the amount of news the junta tried to slip under the radar last night. The only things I can see - that people who consider Faux and the Conservative News Network as a news source didn’t – were Drinky McDumbAss acting like a whiny spoiled brat (again – this gig is getting so old that even I am starting to ignore it!), and PapaDoc Bush was providing disinformation to everybody during Oil War I. Imagine my surprise when finding out that a former head of the CIA, who was known for turning that organization into more of a propaganda machine during his time there, managed to propagandize his own little oil grab. I’m shocked! How could such a
Big Brother update: I looked for the article which details what Mr. Never worked a Day in His Life said to a reporter who dared to ask him about AmeriKKKA heading towards war in Iraq: "You said we're headed to war in Iraq. I don't know why you say that. I'm the person who gets to decide, not you." . Strange as it may seem, I could not find any articles with that particular reference. A Google search brings up an article on MicroSoft NBC which shows pResident Drunken Cokehead speechifying to some poor schlubs who will be fighting for BFEE oil profits. But no mention of the quote in the article or the accompanying video clip…
One can almost forget Smirky McWarhardon’s comment to Pencil Dick about a reporter they didn’t like. Holy arrogance, Batman! Looks like somebody thinks they’re above criticism. How much play did that comment get from the rest of the Media Whores anyways? As much as the lie about Gore ‘creating’ the Intenet? Or the lie about Clinton shutting down LAX while he got a haircut? Nope, no media bias there…
Okay, kids – enough puerile attempts at humor. I’m off to see some siblings this weekend. Keep your heads down – especially when you see those Predator drones flying over your zone – and have a safe and happy weekend!