The More Things Change
Here we go again. While everybody’s worrying about Freedom Fries, the Repugnicants push through a bill to ban D&E abortions, and Field Marshall AssKKKroft busts Tommy Chong. Phil Donahue gets replaced by the Savage Weiner, who declares war on people who are organizing a boycott against him. The
Boy Usurper blithely trundles along, at least 10 votes short of a full U.N. resolution. The Media Whores seem to have learned to be embarrassed at being caught whoring - as opposed to trying not to whore in the first place. But, hey, it’s a start. The Democrats have finally shown a tiny semblance of some form of cojones in their stance on Estrada. Here’s hoping they manage to filibuster as many of the wingnuts the junta is trying to install in the judiciary as they can.
And I can’t get over the fact that I mainly hear sheeple talking about Howard Stern, American Idol, Am I Hot?, the New Beverly Hillbillies, and the rest of the dren spewed on the idiot box in between war propaganda. Isn’t it amazing how you can see one of those Koresh-awful
anti-government-wisdom anti-drug ads almost any hour of any day, but no one can find the time to run the Detroit Project commercials?
Except here, at the Funny Farm. And all the places in Blogistan that we provide you with directions to. So you can start your journey in the correct direction. I found out all about what’s really going on in the world today, not by listening to the talking heads on the CBS/NBC/ABC/FOX/Viacom/TBS/CNN infotainment feeds. Nor do I bother with Howie the Whore, Chris the Screamer, or any of the rest of the Insane Whore Posse that fawns over every misstep
Our Glorious Deserter-in-Thief in the printed media these days. No – I just trundle down the lane here in Blogistan, and these guys lay it out for me. They are all on to top stories with much more professionalism and research than any of the ‘mainstream’ media. They’ll tell me if they make mistakes. They respect one another and the job that they are trying to do – which they see JD Roberts and Koppel and the rest selling out on a daily basis for the masses.
Go check out the many places to travel out in this electronic frontier. There is finally some new
Daily Brew available today. I wasn’t aware that
Ann Slanders was growing another year wiser until as recently as recently, if you know what I mean. So congrats to both of these friends of mine on their recent achievements. And I am going away for the weekend with my sweetie to the Great White North. I very much fear that I will be out of the country when the shooting officially starts. However I also expect to be in front of the firing squad shortly thereafter. It never hurts to plan ahead!
Sporadic guerilla blogging may take place from undisclosed locations throughout midwest North AmeriKKKa in the near future. May you find your journeys safe and enojyable!