House of Cards Comes a-Tumblin’ Down
Well, gang… It seems that the gloves have come off, and the
Fourth Reich junta Usurper-In-Thief’s administration is now recklessly plunging into the deep end of the pool. If anything, I may have been
optimistic in my analysis last year:
…How’s that for a scary thought – the BFEE has been restrained up until now. Come January, pResident Moron will try and paint the vision of raping this country in the name of the people. And that means no more candy and flowers, kiddies…
- (: Tom :), 2002/12/20
It turns out that we’re not even going to get a kiss goodnight, either!
Now that they
no longer need the rule changes he enforced when he was head of the judiciary to slow down Clinton court appointments,
Orrin Hatch wants to remove them. It seems that the rules that were used to prevent Clinton nominees from being appointed to the judiciary are being used by others to do the same thing to
Drinky McDumbAss:
"I'll give great weight to negative blue slips, but you can't have one senator holding up, for instance, circuit nominees," said Hatch (R-Lying Fascist Repugnicant Hypocrite).
Oh yeah, Hatch is also
nominating multiple right-wing nutjobs court nominees in a single hearing so it’s harder to refuse to bring any of them to a nomination vote. And of course the Repugnicants control
all branches of government now. So that means they get to stack the courts that much easier. What’s that word, again? Hyp… hyp-o… hypocrite! Yeah, that’s the ticket…
You are probably wondering what all this has to do with the title of this post by now. Unless, of course, you know me personally… I will attempt to get there from here by informing all and sundry that I am a computer programmer cleverly disguised as an aspiring writer. I work writing things that function on computers. And that, my friends, is oh so much like building a house of cards…. In order to get programs to work: You have to put restrictions and conditions on what the person using your software can do. You have to get users to try and use the stuff properly. You have to make sure the plug doesn’t come out of the wall halfway through using the program, and no one spills coffee in the wrong place, or hits the wrong button, or… well, I hope you get the point.
I see a lot of situations right now that make me think our current global predicament is one big house of cards.
Tough times for debt-heavy consumers in 2003. A ‘new and improved’
Patriot Act Too. Swaggering arrogance from
Tipsy McStagger and the God Squad turns out to be unwise international behavior, as
France and Germany decide to push their own plan for Iraqi disarmament without telling AmeriKKKa what they intend to do. That’s just the tip of the iceberg from my perspective. I could list out at least a half dozen more off of the top of my head.
What? More countries trying to hide things from the U.S.? Someone else besides the U.S. being rude and boorish on the international stage? Don’t you know by now: WE can hide stuff (especially from our own people – including your sorry-assed opinions about our behavior), but
no one else can. WE can have WMD, but
no one else can. WE can torture prisoners, renege on treaties currently in force, break our promises, proselytize with government funds, ignore the U.N. and the International Court, and basically do whatever the hell we want, but
no one else can. Who cares what you think, anyway? Not the leaders of the Good ‘Ol U.S.A.!
And, of course, Homeland Security cries
Wolf! Orange Alert! Pay no attention to the
legalized theft by the elite tax cuts that we tripled while you weren’t looking. Or the
proposed 9.3% increase in White House operational expenses.
While demanding that the rest of the federal government restrain its spending to a 4.1 percent increase in 2004…
How long can this go on? Hypocrisy and rudeness are now primary survival instincts? Orwellian government and fanatical fundamentalist theocracy in an unholy alliance is the New Social Order? How many times can
ShrubCo keep banging the table before the house of cards falls apart?
And, dammit, it all has to happen now,
when football season is over. Talk about your bad timing in marketing …