Reality Check
Note: I tried to put this up this morning, but Blogger seems to be having growing pains. Why don’t you stop by there and congratulate them on having a million residents in Blogistan?
I haven’t had enough time to go through all the important sites yet, or the text of
pResident Moron’s latest lie. But a couple of things have caught my eye – and will hopefully catch yours, too – over at Take Back The Media:
They are claiming that news outlets had the speech before
Drinky McDumbAss gave it last night (see the Seattle has TIME MACHINE - SOTU speech BEFORE the SPEECH article). I cannot verify this, because the heading looks like it has changed. Maybe the article they were looking at has morphed already…
They are reporting that Comcast
refused to show the anti-war ads during
Tipsy McStagger’s jingoistic propaganda pResidential address last night. Comcast said that they are doing this because they included unsubstantiated claims. Hmmmmm. You mean, claims like, oh, say – a 12 year old girl who smokes one joint will get pregnant? Or claims like “To insist on integrity in American business, we passed tough reforms, and we are holding corporate criminals to account.”? Or is it just claims that aren’t in line with your master’s wishes?
The only encouraging note was the pre-buttal and post SOTU reply from the Democrats. Maybe they’ll get rid of those pink tutus soon and start standing up to this monster…
On a personal note, I actually had
Smirky McWarhardon on my TV screen last night! Just long enough to snap some pics for BartCop’s State of the Union pictures contest. And I had to take a couple of Margaritas and some chemical refreshment in order to make it that long without hurling (or hurling something) at the screen. It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it…
By the way: I see that I might actually be viewed by
tens of people from time to time. Why don’t you take a minute, and email me? Tell me what you like, and what you don’t. Or just say hi…