Profound Revelations
Isn’t it just really really coincidental that one of the top sites in
so many lists has a site on
GOP GENBC? And cross indexed links to their own work that reinforce their own inference that this is your handy-dandy one stop final word on all current wisdom in the blogsphere? Not to denigrate a member of the
Rocky Top Brigade or anything. Perhaps this is an adjunct to the Grover Norquist Government Reduction school in the fair state of Tennessee
(cough cough shamelessmediawhore cough cough)?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we notice that
others are looking into matters of
alternate transportation. These will not
sell in an AmeriKKKa ruled by
aWol McCokehead and the God SquadTM, my friend. But there are
other alternatives, depending on your needs and the vehicle’s overall usage, to consider as well. Buying a ‘Smart’ Car still feeds the corpo-weasels, Barry. That’s somewhat of a flaw, especially as long as we, the consumer, have virtually no say in the automotive manufacturing process
except our wallets. I personally know way too many societal parasites, not all in any one area of the place either, mind you – who I picture getting
their cut of
my cash when I sign that frelling piece of paper and take the keys.
And, obviously, there is
no way any rational driver would want to drive
any of those alternative vehicles on I-75, where there’s almost as many trucks as there are cars/suvs/pickups on the road anyhow. No, the only thing you would use this sort of transportation for is to commute around town. And AmeriKKKans aren’t ready for that yet. Especially after the first one
goes off a cliff blows up next to the New York Times building gets smushed into street pizza somewhere within the lower 48. And they would.
So I tend not to look at much of anything new from the automotive corpo-weasels, and definitely nothing by Ford - not even used. All of the Ford corpo-weasels are so firmly entrenched up the intimate parts of so many business entities in the metro Detroit area, they help craft local government policy and regulations to an incredible degree for a large city. The whole just in time inventory initiative was spearheaded by all of the big three way back when, but the creative accounting principles that were a side effect of the policy have been able to be exported, and abused, in many industries. From my perspective Wal-Mart is the current spear carrier for ‘revitalizing’
(cough) their industry in this manner. Guess who pays the cost of inventory in the end anyhow?
There has to be an alternative to this downward spiral. We only have fifty years of oil left if some of the calculations and estimates are accurate. Of course according to
the Shrubbery and his
pseudoscientists, we're going to discover a wonderful environmentally friendly energy source sometime before we run out of fossil fuels. So,
without lying, the
Usurper in Thief can say he has scientific proof that we have no energy crisis in AmeriKKKa today! See how that works, kids? [insert your own
ClenisTM reference here]